What You Need To Know About 5G
After 4G, 5G is already knocking on our doors. But users are wondering about the nature of this latest development, and how it will affect them. This is therefore a brief article, on 5G Explained, for guidance.
The G-Factor
The G-Factor came to us in this manner:
5G: Mobile Technology became sophisticated, and developed to serve consumers as well as carry out digitization of industries. There will be far greater opportunities for service providers to offer new services.
4G: Mobile Video consumption increased multifold, as Data speed increased. Data packages became more important than voice and sms packages.
3G: Mobile Web Browsing began to become popular.
2G: Mobile Voice calls further enhanced, as well as SMS.
1G: Mobile Voice calls improved beyond recognition.
How is 5G Better?
The connectivity needs of the world are constantly increasing. As the use of the Internet penetrates ever deeper into our everyday life, dense urban areas no longer are sufficiently served by 4G networks. It is now estimated that the Global Mobile traffic will multiply over five times before the end of 2024. And present infrastructure will simply crumble in the face of the demand onslaught.
5G will immediately mean enhanced mobile broadband for smartphone users, as well as fixed wireless access to homes. Speed will increase to the extent that downloading complete HD movies will be a matter of seconds on the phone. But that is just scratching the surface. 5G will result in immense improvement in telecommunication overall, generating huge improvements in the execution of businesses through augmented business activities. Large industries will be better connected, as well dense population centers such as cities. But the benefits that will penetrate into the hinterlands of countries, the under-developed rural and impoverished areas , will be startling to say the least.
5G is a game changer. Network connection stability and security will increase dramatically with great speeds. Sharing videos from crowded arenas will no longer cause disruptions. Buffering will gradually become a thing of the past. Newsfeeds will no longer be frustrating.
Among the many direct innovations and improvements that will accrue with the coming of 5G, the following will be immediately observable (and measurable) :
- Data Rates will be 100 times faster, giving almost instant access to apps and services.
- Network Slicing technology is part of 5G, where a unique portion of the 5G network can be dedicated to a particular service.
- Network Latency will reduce in startling manner, to just 1 to 10ms.
- Cost Efficiency Improvement of the enhanced mobile broadband will mean that the 5G network will cost 10 times less than cost per Gigabyte than the current 4G networks.
- Capacity Enhancement to handle growing data traffic will multiply in step with demand.
- New Technologies like Massive MIMO and 5G New Radio will be introduced, causing enormous decrease in cost per Gigabyte
- Streaming Video will now be fully continuous, without any “buffering” whatsoever.
- Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) will be available widely with 5G, which can provide connectivity for households and businesses more cost-effectively. Economic studies have shown that the payback time is less than two years , particularly when connecting under served and suburban households on the existing wireless network. It is therefore expected that this once moribund service will now be re-energized, and become a top revenue generator for the Operators.